If you’re working a job while building a business, you know that your free time is precious.  While you’re home this Thanksgiving weekend, why not invest in some tools that will help you save time, become more efficient, and sharpen your business development skills?  

Here are just a few of the resources I recommend.  You can get these resources at discounted prices this weekend, so it’s worth it to check them out.  Full disclosure: some of these are affiliate links, and I only recommend tools and resources that I know and trust myself.

Additional Income Streams


If you’re looking to establish multiple streams of income so your household has more money to work with, here are some courses to get you started:


How to Make Money in Your Spare Time with Ebay (Side Hustle) – you can build a business in your spare time by reselling items at a profit and Jason from The Butler Chronicles can show you how.


Trade Your 9 to 5 – Tela Holcomb of TelaHolcomb.com has proven through her own story that you don’t need to be afraid of the stock market.  You just need a strategy and understanding of how it works.  Wealth building requires making the money you have work harder for you. And  simply saving a portion of your 9-5 income is only going to go so far.  


Building Bread: If your interest is in more long-term investing strategies, such as how to really understand and maximize your 401k account through your job, and how to analyze stocks for the long haul, check out BuildingBread.com


  • The Perfect Portfolio Course  – a set-it-and-forget-it, long-term investing course 
  • The Investor’s Toolkita hands on approach to learning how to find and purchase stocks.    Includes the monthly stock list, a list of stocks each month so that you can save time and quickly find quality investments.


Have great credit, or learned how to improve your credit through hard work and credit strategies?  Why not start a credit repair agency?  Credit specialist Dominique Brown of YourFinancesSimplied.com can show you all the ins and outs of establishing a credit repair business that gets results and helps people take control of their finances.  

Starting a Business from Scratch


Passive Income Empowerment Retreat: This upcoming live event features the knowledge of some of the best and brightest self-made entrepreneurs sharing what they’ve learned and what works right now in many different types of income streams.

Small Business Incubator: Sandy Smith of YesIAmCheap.com (and also a speaker at the Passive Income Empowerment Retreat) has put together a massive resource for anyone wanting to get started earning money through your own business.  

Tax Deductible Tools and Resources for Your Business


Bluehost: web hosting for those just starting out who need a business website.


Website IT help (Grayson Bell): for making sure that website is running at its best, this course can help you learn how to make sure it’s working quickly, without the need to hire tech support.  If you do need tech support, Grayson Bell and his company iMark Interactive have been great to work with. 


If you’re interested in creating a course as a way to make some passive income, Thinkific is a highly recommended course creation and hosting platform.


Freshbooks: for invoicing and receiving payments from customers (because it’s not really a business til you start getting paid, right?)

Dubsado: best used for freelancers who need a CRM (customer relationship management software) who need to create proposals and quotes for service based client work.


These are just a few of the tools I recommend for a part-time entrepreneur.  When you’re still working a 9-5, efficiency is the word when your hours available to work on your business are limited.  Keep track of these purchases, many of them are tax deductible as business startup expenses.